Our Approach

Life is hard and sometimes we just need a sounding board or some new tools for our tool belt (that we will actually use). Some nonjudgmental support paired with golden retriever cuddles is what we are here to do!

Our main goal is to provide an authentic, nonjudgmental, brave, and safe space to work through life’s struggles. We are focused on helping you achieve your goals and challenge you to grow how you see fit.

What We Offer

We’re here for you. We know it’s not always easy, but we’ll be there every step of the way whether it’s weekly therapy sessions or long-term care. Our goal? To help make life better by giving clients an opportunity to truly heal.


How We Can Help You

Wellness is not a destination, it’s a journey. Our team is happy to assist you through individuals, couples, groups and family therapy. Our “whole-person” approach to wellness takes into consideration of your wellbeing including mental health, environment, physical health and more.

Our Services

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Discover self-growth and healing through personalized counseling sessions tailored to your unique needs. Embrace a brighter tomorrow.
Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

Rekindle love, improve communication, and build a stronger bond. Couples therapy for a thriving and harmonious relationship.
Family Therapy

Family Therapy

Nurture understanding, strengthen connections, and foster harmony within the family. Family therapy for lasting relationships and a supportive environment.
Therapeutic Groups

Therapeutic Groups

Join a supportive community, share experiences, and grow together. Therapeutic groups for shared healing, empowerment, and personal growth.
Animal Assisted Therapy

Animal-Assisted Support for Organizations

Experience the healing power of animals. Animal-assisted therapy for emotional support, connection, and enhanced well-being for your company

ESA Evaluations

ESA Evaluations

Obtain a professional & legally sound evaluation in order to have an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) and access necessary accommodations to support your improved mental health.

AAT Consultations

AAT Consultations

Specialized AAT consultations for professionals: Expert guidance to effectively implement Animal-Assisted Therapy and maximize therapeutic outcomes.
Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements

Inspiring and informative speaking engagements: Engage, educate, and empower audiences with valuable insights and practical strategies for personal growth.
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